Revitalize old photos

In these recent years, there has been a drop in my photographic activity, mainly influenced by the big life changes that my family has faced. And obviously 2020 is no less, the pandemic has made all of us reflect a lot about life, for better or for worse.

It is precisely in this deep thoughts that I find myself browsing through one of the most important creative phase of my life: my first approach to digital photography.

I had a bit of experience with analog cameras before that, and I was capture instantly by this amazing medium and form of expression. But let’s leave that to another time (also, I need to find those old printed pictures that I was making at 17 years old!).

This is about how digital photography open up an infinite amount of possibilities. Those were the years where I was doing my first trips in Europe, visiting wonderful places such as Rome, Copenhagen, Paris, Lisbon... it was a period of transition, between a pretty immature and rudimentary knowledge of photography, to the most expressive explosion in creativity of the university. Good old times!

When revisiting old creative work, the first thought could be kinda repulsive or naive. There could be a total technical and stylistic contrast to your present self. Over the years, a photographer changes and evolves, trying to define his own creative identity.

However, not in my case. Yes, the technique has definitely improved, but the core approach and style has remained rather constant.

Therefore, I wanted to revisit and renew some images of that creative phase.

Basically, I slightly retouched the photos, without completely reinterpreting them, because I believe it is right to preserve the eye of that time.

Gear used between 2001-2007
Canon Ixus (my first digital compact camera)
Canon EOS 400D (kit lens 18-55mm)

I have used Pixelmator Photos to upscale the pictures and make minor editing. 
